Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CLT : ProTools

I had visited CLT before with a friend who showed me how to record music using the lab that we were shown in the 2nd part of our tour. I learned that they actually have a studio-quality USB microphone available for recording.

I'm not sure if I have any ideas using the recording for anything in this class aside from the podcasts which we might do. However, when we were there and our tour guide Rob Chapman was explaining how the technology we have is beyond anything that students will use it for, I got to thinking about how ProTools and microphones could be used to start a club or group that makes professional recordings of for example, the school symphonies or concerts to have on record. It's just an idea but if it went along well enough, perhaps there could even be a branch of Technology, A/V majors or minors that are taught by people to make professional videos, recordings and whatnot.

Nowadays, pretty much anyone can have a great recording with a MacBook and a good microphone, but with the resources to that and more, there should be some sort of club or class for people more interested in learning about technology along with the liberal arts education offered by Trinity.

1 comment:

  1. great blog...i like you idea about having a "technology" major
