Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Facebook: The Campus Fad

The Facebook article addresses the phenomenom of a webpage that Facebook has become over the last few years.

Since Facebook has become so popular, practically every student on campus has it and it becomes another form of communication. Writing on people's walls, tagging people in notes, and sending messages back and forth like e-mail has made it even easier to stay in contact with people despite conflicting schedules and/or distances. Facebook can be used to help people study as well and since it can become a giant forum with the use of comments and notes, a note can be made of the notes taken in a class and people can post comments asking questions or answering other people's questions in the form of comments.

It's a fact that because Facebook is so widely used, it's a big part of daily life on college campuses with internet and it can provide the resource of constant, unique feedback like a forum while also providing the intimacy of e-mail with the inbox function.

If you'd like to read the article for yourself, click here:

Till later.
- Adan


  1. great blog entry! I love the idea of using the notes application for class notes so that classmates can comment and ask questions.

    How do you personally use facebook though?

  2. Nifty idea with using Notes like a large forum!

    There should be one for FY Chinese :P
